I managed to free up even more space today by changing how I placed monsters in a room. This should hopefully give me the space needed to create an endboss.
Once I cleaned that code up I started work on adding the “Master Sword”. This is what I decided on turning the spear into that I talked about earlier. I created the pixel art for it and decided to place it somewhere on the early floors for now. I also gave it a new room to sit in. I find it makes it feel a lot more important than how I originally had it where it was just lying on the floor in any random hallway.
Once I placed the sword in the game I figured I should put the Win Game princess in there somewhere. Since the game really needs to be beatable, I figured I shouldn’t save the princess for last or I might end up running out of space somewhere. For now the princess is sitting in a copy of the “Master Sword” room. But if by the time I am finished this and there is enough room I may create a different one for her.
As of right now, it just takes damage off the player when he touches the princess lol. This is because she is just a copy of an enemy sprite. But it does check for collision and for now I am going to leave it where it is. I am hoping I’ll be able to add a win game graphic in bank 2 along with the title screen and game over screen. I’m really not sure how much space those full screen graphics will take up. So again, I guess I just have to wait and see.